Exams Preparation Tips: How To Deal With Board Exams

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.”

In this post I am giving you some tips to prepare board exams. Many students get failed due to not prepare their exams in good way. Here I am telling you most important tips about ‘How to Deal With Board Exams’. These Exams Preparation Tips are very helpful for Pakistani students who don’t know how to prepare their exams in examination session. Many students of universities in Pakistan also face this problem. They always adopt the Ratta System before the starting of annual exams. So, don’t worry guys, here you will get some exams preparation guidelines. These tricks will be useful for winning your exams session. These Exams PreparationTips are helpful for all exams sessions not only for Board Exams.

Exams Preparation Tips for Board Exams
Exams are a crucial part of education and also the source of stress for many students. In order to avoid this stress, it is very important to understand how to deal with stressful situations in exams. In many cases, exam stress is all in the mind, and mental discipline is a large part of what is needed to succeed. Okays... I am sure academically, you know what to do. However, you will summarize a few points that i am sharing below.

Exams Preparation Tips: How To Deal With Board Exams

First of all make a plan about what to do from today and adopting these strategies, may lead you to become a High Achiever in Exams.  Read Also: How To Attempt Paper Effectively in Board Exams

Today's What To Do...........???

  • Enlist all the topics cleared and unclear.
  • List out the all the topics of your subject.
  • Consult your relevant teacher for more guidance about topics covered or not.
  • Review all old papers (up to date).
  • Confirm the paper pattern.
  • Make sure all of your course material is well organized. 
  • Prepare list of most repeated and most important questions.

Plan for Last week before Exams Start:

You should never go away from your books, syllabus and study environment. Please you should avoid the nervous habits, which leads you to away from this tight and short period of time.
Exams Preparation Tips for Board Exams
How to Deal With Exam Stress in Easy Ways
There is no short cut to success; this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study well first of all but the preparations are different for different types of exams. First remember one thing “Stop Wishing Start Doing”

1. Never fear or hate exam and be confident.
2. Prepare a good time table of 24 hrs. like below:
Study time 12 hrs, sleep 7 hrs. , Meals 2 hrs, Freshening up time 1 hrs, others 2 hrs.   
3. Select a proper atmosphere for studying.
4. Sit well in proper method.
5. Make notes while studying.
6. Sleep well and eat well.
7. Take Balanced Diet.
8. Believe in God, Believe in you.
9. Avoid over learning.
10. Practice on old exams.
11. Taking Care of Yourself.
12.   Don't forget to take care of yourself during the exam preparation.
It is very important to be in good mental and physical condition for the exam. A small amount of stress can get you disappoint, but too much mental or physical strain can be detrimental to your performance. 
13. After you finish studying, take some time to relax. 
14. Keep a positive attitude about the exam. You have done the work, now it's time to reap the rewards.

On The Paper Day:

  • You should be very confident.
  • Well disciplined.
  • And fresh physically and mentally. 
  • Eat good food in breakfast and lunch time.
  • Before departure of home you should eat one Chocolate.
  • Recite Ayat ul Kursi, Surah Fateha, Darood Shareef.
  • You should reach before half hour at Centre.
  • There should not be any study material in your hands.
  • At Centre, meet your friends and discuss about here and there.
  • On the time of paper, Read the Questions carefully then start writing the easiest question first.
  • Set the time for each questions, give equal time to all questions and be good time manager.
  • Also remember one thing please don’t discuss soon after exams. This won’t do well and may affect your coming exams. If your friends are discussing question paper avoid them and come to house soon. 
  • And never miss any prayer during the exams. 
  • Never disappoint:  Your Parents, Your Teachers, Your Institutions, Your Will Wishers....... :)
  • All the Best :)
Finally, remember once you have given your best, there is nothing else that you can do. So stop worrying and enjoy what you do. Thanking you for reading these tips on how to deal with exam stress? Share this article to others and don't forget to comment below.