Important Practical Questions of Physics for 10th Class

In this post i am sharing the Most Important Practical Questions of Physics for 10th Class, Students of class 10th can prepare only these practical questions.

These Practical Questions of Physics for 10th Class are repeating many times in Board Exams.
List of Important Practical Questions of Physics for 10th Class:

1)series and parallel combination of resistors(Question will be asked about equivalent Resistance and circuit diagram)
2)Definition of Ohm's Law and its circuit diagram(Question may be asked to complete a
 table by using formula R=V/I
3)Laws of Reflection and refraction and their diagram
4)Snell law to find critical angle(Question may be asked to complete table using n=Sin i/Sin r
5)All gates their symbols and truth table(I m sure about this, one of the question about gates will be asked in exam especially Or gate,And Gate and Nand Gate)
6)How to find magnetic field lines by using Bar magnet.
7)Definitions of Am-meter,Volt-meter & Galvano meter,How they are constructed and How they are used in Circuits to find Current and Voltage and their circuit diagram.