Latest 9th Class Biology Guess Paper 2018 for All Boards

Latest 9th Class Biology Guess Paper 2017 for All Boards
PakStudyPortal is a very important source for Pakistani students in all aspects. In this post, I am sharing the Most Important Guess Paper of Biology for 9th Class. Here you can get Class 9th Biology Guess Paper 2018 Online.This Guess Paper of Biology for 9th Class is based on Punjab text board. Every student who are studying in any Punjab Board, can prepare this guess paper of Biology for class 9th to get good marks in paper.

I hope this All Boards 9th Class Biology Guess Paper 2018 will be helpful to score high marks in board exams. I suggest you, please prepare only this guess paper of biology if you can't to do all. Practicing on these important guess paper of biology for matric part 1 will be helpful for your board exams.

Latest Guess Paper of Biology for 9th Class All Boards:
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Check 9th Class BIOLOGY GUESS Paper 2018 below:
MCQs: all exercise mcqs are important
Short Questions:
Brancehs of biology,Muslim Scientist,Organelle,Tissue,population,community,biosphere and Organ.Colonial organization,Diff.b/w vegetative and reproductive organs.Quantitative and Qulitative observation,Hypothesis and its charcters,theory and law,control group,plasmodium,incobation period,bioinformatics and biodiversity and its importance,classification and its aims,texonomic hirarchy,classification of pea and human,species,defects of three kingdom,prions and viroids,endangered and extinct species,benifits of forests,causes of deforestation,endangerd species of pakistan,wwf IUCN HJP,Resolution and magnification.cell theory,plasmodesmata, primary and scedry cell wall function of mitochondria, SER and RER,Diff b/w prokaryotes and eukaroyotes,hypotonic and hypertonic environment,facilited diffusion,pasive and active transport,exocytosis and endocytosis,apical and latral meristem,colenchyma and parenchyma tissues.G0 phase,cytokinesis diff. b/w plant and animal cells,benign and malgnant tumor,crossing over,diff. b/w disjuction and nondisjunction and apoptosis and necrorsis.activation enrgy and how it is lowerd ,coenzyme and cofactor, lock and key model and induce fit model,bioenergatics,photosynthesis,photosystems,factor affcting photosynthisis ,aerobic and anaerobic repiration,glycolysis,respiration and photosynthisis diff,. role of Mg and N2,Ca,,iron,balance diet,dietry fibers,Malnutration+ causes,goitor,kawashirkor,marasmus,anemia,tetny,sucrvy,Phases of digestion, ingestion etc...role of liver,Diarhoea,contipation,ulcer,significance of tranpiration,transpirational pull,types of WBCs,Leukaemia,Thalassaemia,Pulmonary and systematic crculation,pulse,compare arty and vein,trombus and embolus, angina pectoris.......parstalsis,,,cohesion tension theory,lentcel nd functions,artiosclerosis nd atheroseclorosis diff,bolus +chyme diff,sphincter nd its types,structure of ATP,
career of biology,organ and organ system level,five kigdom system ,bionomial nomeclature,cell memebrane,nucleus,plstids,osmosis and water balance system,epithelia tissuues.compound tissues,cell cycle,mitosis(prophase),Meiosis 1 only,signifince of mitosis nd meiosis,charcters and use of enzymes and its factor affecting,ATP,Light and dark reactions,fermataion types and importance,vitamins,effects of malnutration,Famine and its causes,oral cavity,small itestine,stomach,opening and closing of stomata,faor affecting the rate of tranpiration, pressure flow mechanism,ABO blood group system,heart fig,Myocardial infarection...................
diagrams...amoeba,paramesium,types of bacteria,brasica flower,blood cell,onion epidermis.+3.1 complete characters of animal,plasmolysis nd deplasmolysis,6.1+6.2+7.1+verigated leaf+8.1,structure of villi..
Another Guess 9th Class Biology Guess Paper 2018: Long Questions 
Q 1:A)What is biology? Give these branches?B)Which steps involved in biological method? Explain it?
Q2:A)Define Biodiversity? Explain Binomial Nomenclature?
B)Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell?
Q3:A)What do you know plant and animal tissue? Explain it?
B)Give cell organize in details?
Q4:A)Short note on: (i) E.M, (ii) Fluid Mosaic Model
B)Draw and Labeled Plant and Animal Cell?
A)What do you know about apoptosis and necrosis?
B)Write detail note on
(i)Mechanism of enzymes action(ii)Factor affecting on enzyme action
Q 6:
A)Mechanism of photosynthesis?
B)Mechanism of respiration?
C)ATP structure? Briefly explain it?
Q 7:A)Detail note on Vitamins?
B)Give anatomy of liver? Also give their silent function?
A)Give the anatomy of human heart?
B)What do you know about composition of blood? Also give their disorder?
Q9:A)Detail note on blood vessels?
B)Discuss human bold circulatory system?
Q10:Short Note on
(i) Balance Diet
(iii)Disorder of Gut
(iv)Factor affecting the rate of transpiration
(v) Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration?

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